Our House

We built a house in 2017. Now we are like every other home owner, looking to upgrade things or add the things (decor, landscaping, dings and dents) that make it a home.

Now that’s a wall!

If you have read any of the previous postings you'll know the fireplace wall has been a high priority. It's as done as it's going to get, for now. Well, we'll want some stuff for the shelves but the construction and the fretting over paint colors is done for now. I...

Light at the end of the tunnel

We're nearing the finish line on our new home. In fact, we've moved in but there are still many outstanding items to be completed. Here is a look at the exterior of our house. The trim needs to be painted and you might notice a complete lack of landscaping and......

Fireplace Wall – Continued

One thing you learn about the building process is that some things have to happen in specific order. In fact, most decisions should also happen in order. We have been fretting over paint colors in the great room. What makes it tough is until everything comes together...

Only 6 Shades of Gray

When it comes to building as house neither Lisa or I can claim to be aficionados of home decor or, style or anything, really. We both know what we like when we see it and luckily, we like a lot of the same things. We don't really argue about much related to building...

It’s The Little Things

An interesting thing has been occurring for me over the last several months, especially related to building this house. Here's an example, the fireplace wall originally started out the way it is now but over the course of a few months we worked through several...

The Fireplace Wall

This the fireplace wall. It has caused a few arguments and a few anxious moments. Why is it so difficult? There's a lot going on here. First, this is our biggest modification, other than square footage, to the model we started with. Fireplaces have their challenges,...

Unlikely processes

I found it interesting that the basement floor comes so late in the process. After all of these things have been done they cut a hole in the sub-floor and run a conveyor through the front door to pour the concrete floor in the basement. I know that am not a smart man...


It's starting to feel like a home in here. The drywall is up and this place is starting to feel like a home. I think these pictures are really cool. Because of the light coming in from the windows the room looks dark when shooting toward them. It makes these rooms...


When building a house there are a lot of unknowns. When you live in a rural area you need a well. A well is one of the big unknowns. In 2017 it feels wrong that when a well drilling company starts drilling, they have no idea how deep they will have to drill to get a...

Inside These Walls

We stopped out to see progress and take pictures of the electrical wiring and plumbing. People tell us to take pictures so in the future if we want to remodel we'll know where everything is. The problem with that theory is, by the  time we would remodel, I will have...