Now that’s a wall!

by | May 25, 2017 | Not Work, Our House

If you have read any of the previous postings you’ll know the fireplace wall has been a high priority. It’s as done as it’s going to get, for now. Well, we’ll want some stuff for the shelves but the construction and the fretting over paint colors is done for now.

I will say for all the anxiousness “discussions” and collaboration, the first night we took some time to sit in front of it, it was all worth it. We were almost giddy.

Below are various shots and various states of completedness.

fire place wall

The angle of this picture is probably evidence of a few glasses of wine.

Pay no attention to the commercial on the TV. The lighting on the shelves (not depicted all that well in the picture) makes them look like they are floating. Once we have decor, the lighting will illuminate our stuff.

Spencer and the TV

Here is a 75 lb. dog laying in front of the fireplace. It’s almost like it was built just for him. We’ve demanded rent in the past but to no avail.

Above is a slide show that illustrates the process development of the wall.

As we were building we were sad because we thought we would not be able to make use of the fireplace for awhile after we moved in… in the middle of May. Luckily we have had a pretty miserable spring filled with rain and chilly temps. The fire place has been perfect!


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