My Work

Like everybody work consumes a lot of my time. During that time one can make a number of observations about clients, co-workers, projects and whatnot. That’s what you will find in here. I will protect the innocent here, as well by changing names and using fake or significantly modified images.

Explaining what I do

In 2002 I started a company that builds websites and online applications. This is the side of my job most people identify with. It has more tangible output and people can relate more directly than other parts of my business. The people who know me know I have had my...

Apple Vs. FBI: To Hack or Not to Hack

How many points of interest can one story have? In the case of Apple Vs. the FBI there seem to be an infinite number. While it is pretty cut and dry to me, everyone gets to have their opinion. Right? As  prelude: I am so middle of the road that I love the fact that no...

Do the right thing…

This is my little lifeline to the world. Believe me, I am qualified to throw this lifeline. It's not just OK to make mistakes, it's required. The people we believe are the greatest, at whatever they're the greatest at, didn't get there without f'ing some stuff up on...