The Dogs

You know how when some people don’t have kids they go on and on about their dogs, like they’re experiencing the same challenges as forming responsible human beings? That’s us.

And yes, they do deserve their own category.

Disgustingly Adorable

There aren't that many days where Lisa doesn't stop me from doing what I am doing to look at one of the dogs because they are being so adorable. As one who likes his share of attention it's been difficult coming to terms with the fact that I cannot compete when I am...

A Growler in the House

When you look at the pictures below it's tough to see that this guy has a bit of a grumpy streak. The primary issue is our last dog, Simba, would eat up any attention we'd give him. This guy, Spencer, gets a little intimidated or overwhelmed when we get too close. He...

A Hairy Situation

As mentioned in an earlier story we recently went to Cincinnati to get a new 3 year old Golden Doodle. We named him Spencer. He has more Poodle in him than Retriever so his coat is like a bad home perm. We thought we'd let it grow out to see if, when longer, it would...

The New Kid on the Block

In the image above the dog on the right is our new dog. In an earlier post I wrote about our beloved Simba who is no longer with us. He was a huge presence. Not just because of his 88 lb. size, he was a big personality and did nothing but love us. We knew right away...